Thursday, June 17, 2010

"See I am doing a new thing"

This year was amazing and to finish it off for december i believe the Youth Camp was pinnacle in making the year what it was. It was great to see our friends from Adelaide and have the ability to build the blocks for a strong relationship. Friendship and unity was core to this camp and i thank everyone that contributed to it especially Alex the camp co-ordinator @ Hosanna, Brisbane youth for being so crazy and adventurous and last but not least Adelaides HUGE effort to come all the way to Brisbane to make this memorable.

The thing that struck me the most was the presence of the almighty himself. I had been to big conferences and rally's were big name evangelist came to and you can feel the weight of God, and yet even among us young people with no bible college degrees or anything of the sort i felt his mighty presence more powerfully than i have in a long time.

With that said i believe the message of unity through impact must be implemented we need to be more outhere than ever before together. The 4 walls of the church reside somewhere in outerspace meaning we must be brave and go to the sick, depressed, the bullied, the outcast, the nerds, the geeks, the young teenage mothers, the drug users and the alcohol drinkers in our schools and amongts our friends and just let them know that Jesus loves you it's time to make a change. We must declare ourselves the bringers of freedom and crush all forms of oppression this was the reason Jesus died for us and all the while when everything settles amongst the silence I hear Isaiah 43:19 "See I am doing a new thing ". Amen.

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