Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Focal Points

This last few months have been an eye opener for me. An eye opener that relates directly to how God has been speaking to me over very important issues in my life and his ministry.
It's started with me leaving the worship ministry and begin to "focus" on the youth ministry. I was stretching myself over many areas and all were consequently suffering from that even my home life. For those of you that know me would know what a huge part of my life worship (music) is, there is nothing I do before coming to Jesus than picking up my guitar and pouring myself out to him; before praying, conversing with him before anything really. It is my escapism from the troubles around me.
So when he spoke i realised that he wanted me to truly learn the ability of focusing myself on something, to see and understand that being the jack of all trade in the end really yields little or bad quality fruit. Time and care must be given freely in order to achieve something great and nothing in this world is more greater than seeing his kingdom come to fruition.
As he began, I followed and as events began to circumvent more and more he began to flash my mind with more of his words. From that resulted these Foci (focal points):
  • The need to "Focus"
  • The need to "Humble" myself
  • and not be "Self Righteous" (to build his kingdom not mine)
  • In order to maintain my focus I must be "Disciplined"
  • and to always assess the outcomes the "Fruit" I produce

This lead me back to the name Jesus gave to the youth group when we began the youth ministry "Awakening". This encompasses the need for me to "Awaken" to be aware of everything I do for me and his kingdom. If I am to see the youth of this world come to their knees and call out to the saviour king for redemption. I must first adopt these principles firstly within myself and then teach the youth God has put in my stewardship to do the same.
Such great and mighty expectations God has given me, dreams of scores of young people passionate to follow Jesus. And in following him he will deliver them from the fear's in their life's and succeed in becoming the great leaders God has birthed in their hearts from their very day of creation. Aspiring them to know that they are more than young people but young warriors.There is a powerful line I read recently when Stef (my brother in-law) gave me this pre birthday card, taken from the words of Archimedes: "Give me a place to stand on, and I will move the Earth". Summed up in Archimedes words is the anthem the youth will proclaim to the world. "For the salvation of his people we will stand on his love and shake the foundations of this Earth". This is the heart cry of Awakening.

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